If you want to learn to write, distance learning is a very successful method of learning. London School of Journalism (LSJ) courses are world-renowned for training by home-study, and cover creative writing and journalism in all its forms. Courses can be taken using normal post, or by email or online - LSJ courses can teach you to make the most of your writing ability.
The phrase distance learning does not fit the mode of education it is associated with. Technical advancement and latest inventions in the area of information and communication technology have enabled online universities and colleges to erase the word ‘distance’ from the dictionary. Distance does not matter any more. Anybody can register for online degrees irrespective of their location and can still get a real-life learning experience. Thus the word distance is used to highlight the fact that the learners and the teachers are located at various remote places, that’s it. Distance learning is no way different than traditional campus based 'live' learning in recent times.
Distance learning system is flexible and moldable where students and their priorities are given highest importance.With the advent of social media, web 2.0 platforms and enhanced communication system,it is quite easy to communicate with other students and the teachers in real time. Students pursuing distance learning courses receive similar treatments as contact students. At the same time, distance learners get the opportunity to learn at their own pace.
LSJ Distance Learning Courses
- News Journalism
- Freelance and Feature Writing
- Freelance and Travel Writing
- Freelance and Music and the Arts
- Freelance and Sports Writing
- Internet Journalism
- Subediting
- Cartooning
- Media Law
- Online Postgraduate Diploma
Creative Writing
- Writing a Novel
- Short Story Writing
- Writing a Romantic Novel
- Thrillers - Writing a Bestseller
- Writing a Personal History
- Writing for Children
- Writing Poetry
English / Other
- Improve your English
- English for Business
- English Literature
- Enjoying English History
More details: http://www.lsj.org/web/courses.php
How to contact ?
Postal enquiries:
The Student Advisor
The London School of Journalism
126 Shirland Road
Maida Vale
London W9 2BT
Telephone or Fax enquiries:
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7432 8140
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7432 8141
Email enquiries:
You can earn online degrees at much lower cost by choosing distance learning mode.Online degree programs involve lower tuition fees. Hence, you can earn online degrees at much lower cost by choosing distance learning mode.Working professionals can continue with their regular jobs when they study.Today, international students are also making full use of this new platform. http://www.lsj.org/web/dl.php