So you have spent hours and hours preparing a technical article and now you would like to see it published for all the world to see.Before you submit,let me give you some general pointers which will make the process easier and will greatly increase the chances that the article will be accepted for publication by your favourite publication.
An important factor in my experience about whether to accept a submitted technical article is how clearly the article is focused.A good article addresses exactly one topic.Always try to cover one topic well rather than cover one more topics poorly.
As Voltaire pointed out,an article is finished not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more that can be taken away.Similarly,a good article has a clear purpose.If the editor can’t determine the point the author is trying to make,editor will give up on your article.Anyway,before you start on an article concept, contact the editor or publisher to find out whether it is of interest to their readers.
As Voltaire pointed out,an article is finished not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more that can be taken away.Similarly,a good article has a clear purpose.If the editor can’t determine the point the author is trying to make,editor will give up on your article.Anyway,before you start on an article concept, contact the editor or publisher to find out whether it is of interest to their readers.

Often, the author have a good and clear idea which is too small by itself to submit for publication.In such cases,usually the author then prepare the article with detailed background information,collateral material,and so on.Note that this has the cumulative effect of obscuring the article’s real contribution.If you doubt whether your idea is appropriate for an article,remember to contact your editor with the subject/outline before actual submission.In most cases,submitting such an article is a waste of time for everyone involved-from writer to editor!
As long as you clearly and honestly prepare the matter, you don’t need to worry about the writing being perfect.You should also address a few details that ease the reviewers’ and editors’ jobs. Submissions should contain page numbers on each page, an abstract or executive summary,a list of keywords and contact information of the author on the first page.