Fascinating carrer opportunities are open to people with a knowledge of electronics and the those opportunities promise to be plentiful for many years to come.Computer is an important part of our lifestyle.The improvements made in computing systems in last 10 years have made them work better,cost lesser,and last longer than ever before.Independent people who repair and service computers are found in several places.Their jobs include assembling,inspecting,configuring,repairing and disassembling and reassembling computers and peripherals.They must be able to solder,make connections,use test instruments,read schematic diagrams,and diagnose system problems.Computer repairers (Hardware Technicians/Enginners) need a good knowledge of the fundamentals of electricity and electronics.
Computer related fields have grown faster than any other area of our technological age.Now most of the jobs have something to do with computers ! The super hit INFOLAB in INFOKAIRALI malayalam computer magazine is a result of my own unorthodox R&D work.Infolab article serial will introduce even novices to electronics and hardware service secrets.There are useful infotips available in repairing,servicing and related works.By learning it ,readers may be preparing for an exciting career with a real future.